
Deacons provide a ministry of service and compassion. As spiritual leaders, they apply their gifts to the needs of the people. From birth to death, life is filled with needs that the deacons support. The deacons celebrate with babies born, grieve in times of loss, offer support to the church when people recover from surgery, are lonely, or simply need a caring presence.

In the PC(USA) Book of Order, the ministry of the deacon is described as “one of compassion, witness and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress.”

Deacons bring communion to people unable to attend worship, as well as in regular worship services. They lead the congregation in bringing meals for support. They keep the congregation in prayer. It is a privilege to be a deacon as they come alongside members of the congregation during important times of life. Being a deacon is a blessing, as they engage these times connected to lives of faith.

Current Deacons

Class of 2025
Nanc Angerman
Alice Cash
Rachel Lacer
Diana Stuart
Jan Myers-Siegfried

Class of 2026
Nancy Armstrong
Jane Crowley
Betsy Foshee
Nancy Lacer
Brandon Schadt

Class of 2027
John Crum
Steve Holmes
Stephanie Letson
Lisa Thompson
Robert Young